By Diane Wailes
There’s a new initiative in North Shields and Tyneside that’s helping young people turn their lives around. HoodEx has recently set up shop in 131 Bedford Street. If you don’t know where that is, it’s the beautifully restored building that curves around the corner, where Bedford Street meets Clive Street.
The charity’s aim is to give young people (including those at risk of offending or exploitation, or struggling with mental health problems or substance abuse) the chance to find a route to a more positive future. The shop is there to raise funds for the charity and also to help young people gain vocational skills. The key project, launching after Easter, is the charity’s Turnaround Mentoring Programme, which will work with 20 young people over the year, on both sides of the river.
Ricky Gleeson, who is the driving force behind the charity’s programme, knows all about the challenge of changing the direction of your life. Ricky is an ex-offender who was homeless for much of his early life. In his twenties, he decided to put his life on a better path by joining the Royal Navy, where he had a distinguished military career. Now back on civvy street, he’s using his experience to change young lives, through sports activities, mentoring, and vocational training. Ricky says he’s ambitious for HoodEx to be a positive force in the area, and that he wants to bring people together to make good things happen.
The HoodEx charity shop operates by rescuing, repairing and repurposing used clothes and selling them on to fund opportunities for young people. They also provide a repair and alteration service, so you don’t need to throw away your favourite gear. They have a fantastic seamstress on the team – Rosie Dobby – who was the sportswear designer at Berghaus. Rosie’s plans include designing a new range of clothing made of sail fabric from the Fish Quay, which sounds amazing!
How can you get involved and support HoodEx?
As a new venture they’re looking for:
⁃ donations of good quality clothing that can be revived and resold to raise funds
⁃ shop volunteers to help out at 131 Bedford Street (at least one full day per week)
⁃ mentoring volunteers to work several hours per week with young people once the Turnaround Project launches, after Easter
⁃ an experienced and qualified youth worker to co-ordinate and lead the Mentoring Project (20-25 hour paid post)
⁃ admin support for 6-10 hours per week
⁃ local fundraisers and helpers for challenges, quizzes and events
⁃ an accountant and a solicitor to add to their Board of Trustees.
Pop into 131 Bedford Street, message them through their Facebook page, or call HoodEx on 07939 510922 if you’d like to get involved. Check out the website on for more information.