Each year, from early summer to late autumn, North Shields became a focal point for the “herring girls,” a group of women who journeyed down the east coast of...
By John Hartley | Photograhy by Diane Wailes
“Sought-after area of North Shields offering park and river views” says the estate agent’s blurb. “A vibrant Georgian Square,” says another, with...
By Diane Wailes
With discussions underway about how the town should celebrate its 800th birthday next year, we could take a leaf out of the book of Arthur Jefferson, the father of Stan Laurel and...
You’d have needed sharp eyes to spot the tiny entry in the ‘small ads’ column of The Evening Chronicle on Monday 26th August, 1889.
“A Descent from the Clouds: MISS ALMA BEAUMONT, AMERICAN...
Fifty years ago this year, the fishing trawler Gaul, vanished off the coast of Norway, taking the lives of all thirty-six men aboard. On September 21st – 22nd this...