Home Content Creators Content Creator:  Jodhi Mae Rutherford 

Content Creator:  Jodhi Mae Rutherford 

Being a creative is such a big part of who I am , back in 2022 I graduated Leeds Arts University with a BA (Hons) in Fashion branding with communications.


Before this I studied Art & Design and Fashion and textiles. Alongside my studies I carried on with my little creative side projects and focused on teaching myself more about photoshop and how to use it. I got really into creating collages and then using my mixed media design practises to twin these with the skills I had learnt in photoshop. 

Whilst I was studying at University I started to archive and build an online portfolio for myself , whilst also using the Instagram account “@pinkpalava” I had been using since college. When I graduated University opportunities in the Fashion industry were really hard to find , and a lot of my classmates moved to London for creative opportunities , I didn’t personally want to do this and wanted to stay in the North , so went into my day job in childcare and education and continued with my creative work in the evenings , often working a “night shift” making things , which I still do now the insomnia is real. 

I currently multitask as a freelance creative and working in childcare/education. 

I also run creative workshops and collage workshops and I am launching a small business in the spring.

When I found out about the “I Love North Shields” publication , I had only been living here in The North East for nine months having moved from Leeds , I really loved the fact that I could have a chance to become part of a local creative project , which is something I had been wanting to do for a while. The chance to work alongside fellow creatives and to also get to learn about my new home. I have moved around quite a bit from the north to the south west then back to the north and now finally settling in the North East , so it’s been really important for me to really get involved with things locally here , now I really do feel at home. 

From my first meeting with Simmie I was made to feel valued , welcome and also that she really wanted to hear my design ideas and to see my work. Straight away I was welcomed to create a design for one of the first issues , and I enjoyed making this so much. The publication is still relatively new but is bringing so much joy and community pride to North Shields and the surrounding areas. I am really enjoying creating collage pieces for the physical publication and also in my work as the I Love North Shields Tiktok curator , and although the Tiktok account is even newer I am really looking forward to seeing where I get to take it in the new year. 

What I love about my time so far working as part of the ILNS Team , is that I really feel a part of something super special. It’s giving me the chance to keep my creative brain ticking alongside my personal creative projects and my not always so creative day job. I have so many notebooks full of ideas of where I want to take the Tiktok creatively and also collage design pieces for the magazine. I’m looking forward to getting to further champion North Shields and the creativity that it’s home to. I’m also looking forward to meeting more fellow creatives and people in the community. The magazine is just really super special. 

I think the magazine has a really great and important social impact on North Shields , as it’s getting more peoples stories and creative talent out there , it’s also bringing members of the community together who maybe wouldn’t usually interact so much and I think it’s going to continue doing this for a long time yet. It’s helping local businesses and projects get the word out , especially through the social media accounts too. The articles about local heroes and home-grown talent are also super important and promote local pride and positivity. The magazine also welcomes in older readers through the stories of North shields past and history and also with such a wide age range of people working behind the scenes at the magazine it shows that a community really is and really does involve everyone. It promotes inclusivity and that everyone’s voice is valued and important. I think it would be really great to have more physical copies of the magazine available for people that prefer print and also for people that might not be as big into technology or able. 

I think it would be great to introduce a section focused on something style based , maybe in collaboration with local shops. 

And potentially to hold more creative events in relation to the tote bags , again these would bring more of the community together and give everyone the chance to have some creative flair. Also to have a section where older members of the community can tell more of their stories of life in North shields , this could also be nice to work with the local care homes and to keep more isolated members of the community feeling involved. 

To date I have created several collage designs for the magazine and the social media channels. 

And I run the Tiktok account which is my little side project and I usually am working on the creations for this 

Quite late at night , which is the life of a freelance creative who also works in education , I am often multitasking. I am also 

Looking forward to attending more of the meetings in the new year and planning out more creative ventures as part of the 

ILNS team. Every minute I spend on ILNS is a minute I’m happy to and it brings me a lot of joy. I am really happy to be a part of 

ILNS and look forward to seeing where this all goes and continuing with my creative contributions. 

My favourite place in North shields is the charity shops ! , I have been a charity shop enthusiast since I was teeny tiny and my mum used to push me around them in my pram , I love having a good rummage through all the treasures and giving old treasures a new life. I also really love the ships cat , it’s such a lovely place to hang out and also going to a gig at Tanners Bank or the creative markets at salt market social. 

My favourite content to create is definitely my collage pieces as I really enjoy bringing colour and a fun look in on North Shields. 

The best way to reach me for freelance creative work , collage workshop enquiries or anything thrifty style / Tiktok related is at my 

Creative instagram account : @pinkpalava  or via email at : [email protected]