Home Arts & Culture Music: Are you Affiliated?

Music: Are you Affiliated?

Reeling from yet another successful collaboration featuring local DJ and Producer Man Power alongside Scottish sensation Ewan McVicar, the announcement of a new club occupying space in King Street Social Club has sparked excitement as Geoff Kirkwood, alias Man Power asked ‘Are you Affiliated’? And judging by the incredible response, the answer is a resounding yes!

The Are You Affiliated (AYA) club, set to open on the upper floor of Phoenix House, has been coined as an affordable option available for promoters to showcase grassroots music whilst Kirkwood continues to host his Me Me Me parties in the heart of the town.

At a time when nightclubs are closing at an alarming rate, the investment into the AYA club seeks to promote local culture and support the ever-growing community built under the Are You Affiliated club nights. This visionary venture has garnered support from fellow DJs and music enthusiasts alike, applauding his efforts to elevate North Shields’ music scene – including his most recent performance partner McVicar, lavishing Kirkwood and North Shields with heartfelt praise and adoration as the exciting journey unfolds! Are You Affiliated is steadfast in its mission and poised to etch North Shields onto the music map – already capturing the attention of local music publication NARC and the prestigious worldwide publication DJ Mix Mag, signifying its emergence as a force to be reckoned within the music scene.

Promoters interested in using the space are invited to contact [email protected].

Not to be missed!

Me Me Me presents Are you Affilated – Skream –

Instagram @manpowermusic